About Me

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I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Toy House Cowboys & Indians - Mounted

As a contrast to the previous post, these are also The Toy House/World Toy House, and also Giant-like 23/25mm Wild West figures, but here are clearly nothing to do with the actual Giant production, being poor quality sub-piracies of the figures, on the n'th generation horse I call remold I think?

Five Indians and one cowboy, packaged as some of the mounted-Roman copies of Giant were sold, some, I think, being in Success-branded (WHC/Cornelius) packaging, or was it Woolbro? Generic shite anyway, offered to whoever needed, wanted, or thought they could shift them, and branded-up as necessary.
But is it Giant
Of course not, these are non-Giant sub-piracies!

Toy House Cowboys & Indians - Foot

We've seen them before, carrying the Aliens which had been Giant's, and here, there are clearly ex-Giant cowboys and Indians on foot, whether they picked up the last of Giant's stock from the New York facility, or were just the next Western mob to work with the factory/s which had been working with Giant remains a mystery.
Clearly marked with the Giant Hong Kong base-marking, and the better one, it suggests the poorer ones we also looked at here;
are also post-giant, which makes sense, as they often turn-up in the sort of quantities Giant never issued them in? The ones in this set however are definitely the same as Giant's output, just not Giant's!


But is it Giant
If they were found loose they would be considered to be, but in this packaging, no, they are clearly The Toy House/World of Toys.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Giant's Set No. 2907 - Vikings

We have looked at the Vikings loose, but here one of the carded sets, in the smallest size, during the height of Giant's short period of activity, they had a sort of small medium and large model of carded blister packing, with even smaller packaging for the pocket-money novelties, like the peg-games.
The full pack; like with one of the Roman sets, you get two mounted figures, here both blue, more by cooincidence than desgn I suspect, and a blister of assorted foot-propelled marauders! Again the lack of green figures, and domination of brown is likely purely accidental?
Equally, the poses are varied and include both 'crew members' (guard and captain with crossed-arms), although I can't discern a helmsman though, and distribution of poses will be random, with a propensity for the downward striking axe-man!
Mounted chaps, variations of the foot figures, and let's be honest, while they had horses back in their homeland communities and would have used them where they settled, they were never noted for thier combat horsmanship!


But is it Giant
Of course it is!

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Somewhere in the Middle East - 1190's

Led by Richard 1st, King of England, Duke of Aquitaine, Gascony & Normany, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Maine, Nantes & Poitiers and Overlord of Brittany, Crusaders face-off against a raiding party of Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub's followers of the new religion.

Giant Knights, with a rather Norman-looking Richard I from Revell, face off against camel-mounted troops from Kinder (x3), Airfix (x2) and Italeri (x1) with foot skirmishers from Esci and Italeri.

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Follow-up to Giant and Giant-Like Bunkers; Another Giant?

Very much following-up from the bunker post further down, this is the other bunker I mentioned on that occasion, although when it turned-up during the move it proved a surprise to me, as it's marked Giant, albeit faintly!

This is the beast as described last time, I'd forgotten they replaced the 'mouth' with a nose! Given that the whole back was open to the world, the addition of a small doorway in full view of the enemy was an odd move, but it may have been after a call from the lawyers at Marx? Somehow, I doubt it!

The marking itself is not clear, so I've enhanced it below with a bit of contrast and shadow manipulation, but basically it's very different to the clear GIANT  marks of other Giant output, and similar feint Giant marks appear in the rear of the rumps of some 'Smoothie' horses, usually connected to clearly non-Giant sets/output, so it could be a true piece of 2nd generation piracy?

It would be clearer, if it was clearer, if you know what I mean! It's a largish mark in a distinctive font, but just barely kissing the mould-tool, or even rubbed-off with a driver-mounted wire-brush?
While the HONGKONG isn't typical for Giant, and is to be found on the inside flanks of a lot of non-Giant 'Mexican Small' horses, particularly the ones pulling late version wagons?


But is it Giant

Well . . . (sucks through teeth) . . . maybe, it says it is, but the weakness of the mark, and it's association with the apparent Giant marks on non-Giant output leaves a question mark over it, until I can positively ID one in a sealed set?
And if it turns out to be Giant, we'll have to have G1 and G2, if not; this will have to be the C3 copy?


I got a weird demand to accept Google-doc cookies just now, which I've never got before, and I tried importing them through the home blog and got the same message there, consequently I copied and pasted them into the window, instead of importing them in the normal way and now don't know where they are hosted, on Blogger or on my desktop? They may disappear? And I'll have to have a rethink and sign-up to some other online crap I don't want to?